I went to Virginia! :D Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip...
Me & my beautiful mama :)
I loved these hats hanging up sooo much..
In the stocks :P
The cutest little guy told us all about the battery
Jamestown...the Chesapeake Bay is beautiful
Dinner in Williamsburg...where George Washington actually ate dinner a long time ago!
This trip was so much fun. It was a "school trip," meaning I got to experience all this cool stuff with some of my closest friends from my little school. Heck, half of the fun was the bus ride to and from Georgia. :) Even if you're not a history nerd (I'm not), it's so much fun to see. (But if you are a history nerd, it's a given that you'll enjoy it.)
That's all I have for now. Just wanted to share. :)
I still have yet to sift through all of my photos...I've intended from the beginning to do a post or two on our trip on my blog. This is a great motivator. Thanks for sharing! I am thrilled (and a bit surprised) that you got such a great shot inside the tavern. The lighting was very....authentic. :)